A couple of weeks ago, the kiddos and I had a really early morning. That tends to lead to a bit of tension and a lot of cabin fever, so I decided we need to get out of the house and take little cruise through our neighborhood. On what is usually a routine bee-line for the local Sonic, I spotted an unusually large curbside garbage pile in the distance (our neighborhood does those monthly bulk pickups.) As I came closer to the pile, I realized it was not a garbage pile-but a furniture pile... Yes Sir. A furniture pile. Not a smashed up, dumped off sort of pile, but a thought out, gently placed stack of a dresser, night stand, sofa and love seat. Now it wasn't the sofa and love seat that caught my eye. I wanted the dresser and night stand. Well, honestly, I've been seeing this style of dresser around blog land and I have been lusting over it BIG TIME! Now, I gotta tell ya, I felt a little-no a lot-anxious about taking things off some one's curb. What if the stuff was sitting there waiting to be picked up by someone else? I felt like I needed to ask permission, so I asked for their junk... The woman looked at me like I was a bit loopy and said "Um, yeah, go ahead and take it..." I felt like I had just won the lottery! I practically skipped back to the pickup, and then it hit me. Here is a full sized dresser and little ole me to get it into the back of a jacked up pick up?? Yep, I'm gonna make it happen even if I break a foot doin it... :) To make a long story short- I got that dresser AND night stand into my pickup, took my babies to Sonic for a milkshake and went home to get to work. However, I did leave my finds in the pickup to unload when Soup got home.
In usual "Brittney fashion" I didn't get before pictures, even though this sat in my living room, behind my couch for quite some time...
I am so.very.happy. with the way they turned out.
Well, we've picked out a preschool for our oldest Little Miss. :( I am not ready to let her into the world, but I do understand that it is best to help her little personality flourish.
The girls have picked up an new hobby...
The Little Mister mastered crawling and taught himself to pull up on things, practically in the same week.
We have nearly completed our kitchen reno. Work is progressing in the sun room, dining room, and living room. I hit the mother load a an awesome estate sale this week. We have just been flat out busy in general over the past two months. I thought summer time was a time for relaxing and vacationing, but that hasn't happened for us yet! Four more weeks til school starts? Boooooo.
Here is what I've been working on.
This piece was in really great shape, but I had somewhere specific to place it, so it naturally needed to be painted. This is going in Little Sis' room. I received her pillowcases, which will be the focal point of her "design." After Soup gets her lovely wallpaper textured over, I can slap some paint on those shabby walls.... I can't wait!